Kids diagnosed with ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, may take longer to get a good night sleep, says a recent study reported in the June issue of the Journal of Sleep Research.
While the results are not surprising, what the study does not confirm is whether or not the existing sleeping problems are contributing to ADHD or vice versa. The sleep issues might also be the cause of something else altogether.
The most important takeaway is that sleep is important to children’s overall health. If you suspect that your child is not sleeping well, ask your pediatrician or pediatric specialist for advice.
Here are three tips to promote better zzz’s from
- Exercise…but not too close to bed.
- Put away the iPads, iPhones and other electronic devices.
- Keep a sleep routine—read a book, take a bath, do whatever you need to do to unwind, and then repeat it every night.